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Monday, August 4, 2008

Just For Fun!

So... I've been surfing around on the web looking up baby things and what not.. I happend to come across this chinese "baby gender predictor"
mine just so happens to say i'm having a little girl! so i'm thinking "hmmmm, i wonder what other old wives tales would say the same?" Needless to say ive found some pretty interesting little "tales" and silly things you can do to "predict" what the sex of your baby might be.
Here are a few of the neat ones that i've found:

buy some drano crystals, pee into a cup, then poor the pee over the crystals.. If the crystals turn a blue green, then it's a boy, if they turn a brown green, then it's a girl.

if the baby's heart beat sounds like a horse galloping then it's a boy, if it sounds like a washing machine then it's a girl.

and the last interesting little thing i found was to take a strand of your hair and loop it through your wedding ring, hold it over your belly button... if it swing back and forth then it's a boy, if it swings around in circles then it's a girl!

Pretty interesting stuff!!!

lol. if anyone else has any interesting little stories or old wives tales about telling your babies gender, you should share them with me! i find them quite interesting!

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Unknown said...

My tummy was always the shape of a basketball when I was pregnant, I have all boys. Friends who were pregnant with girls were not ball shaped, more all over and full. Where are your pregnant pics, did you ever take any?

Laurie said...

I have prego pics of Jillian give me your email addy and ill send you some.....LOL