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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's been a while!

Hello to all!

It's been so long since I've posted on here last. I just wanted to give everyone an update as to how the family's doing so far etc.

So far we've been living here in Fort Rucker, Alabama for about a month now and we love it! It's beautiful and we feel very blessed. Our little girl will be here in mid February! that's just around the corner! I've been busy trying to prepare her bedroom and get everything ready for her arrival.. I've registered at Babies R Us and at for the baby shower. My mom's putting it together with the help of Danille and Mary so please send me your address just to be sure we don't forget to send you an invitation! We're going to be doing the same thing that we did for Matt, which is a "baby shower by mail" I'm SO EXCITED!

Christmas was great. It was Steven, Matthew and I's first Christmas as just the 3 of us.. I cooked dinner and we opened presents and just spent the day as a family, and even though i missed every one back home I have to say that i truly enjoyed myself this year.

Steven's Birthday was on the 30th of Dec. and so we decided to go out to dinner and celebrate. Then we came home and watched a great movie called Traitor. You should see it.

That brings me to today! Which is NEW YEARS EVE!!! Steven's going to BBQ some baby back ribs and we're just going to kick back at home and watch movies and eat and enjoy ourselves. I'm going to make Steven a Cheesecake for his birthday, hopefully it's a good one! =) I'll be sure to post some pictures on here soon! But in the meantime, here's some pictures from Christmas and of our house etc.

Love all of you!
Happy New Year!

Just some pictures of the front of our house.

Matthew and Steven playing.

Our family Christmas photo

Matt looking all cute Christmas morning!

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