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Monday, September 28, 2009

They will amazingly grow befor your very eyes!

NO I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT CHIA PETS! LOL I'm talking about Matthew and Analise! They're getting SO BIG NOW! Ana is 7 months old.. crawling sitting up saying DADA and picking on little brother Matt! And Matt is now 2 1/2 and DRIVING ME CRAZY with those terrible 2's!!!! Thank God for the kids' afternoon naps! Between running after Matt, making sure he's not climbing onto any furniture, coffee tables, dinner tables, chairs etc. and making sure Ana is entertained and fed and everything you need to do for a 7 month old... I'm surprised that I even have time to clean the house!!!
By the time 7:00 PM rolls around I must say that I'm excited that in 30 minutes They will be in bed asleep and I will FINALLY get some much needed relaxation!

My cure for all the chaos: COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE! keeps me going and leaves me with enough energy to dance with the kids around the house to some music after all the chaos ends. (Mommy's workout) they love it!

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