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Saturday, May 31, 2008

2 years Married!

May 26, 2008 was Steven and I's Anniversary! we've now been married for 2 years. Soooooo...... I thought i might share a little 'shortish' version of how we met =)

It all started at a school called Belshaw Elementry in our hometown, Antioch. We met in kindergarten and have known eachother ever since. It wasn't until Freshman year in High School though that we started becoming really good friends. I was new to the school, recently transfered from Deer Valley High (which was the other high school in our town) and really hadn't made very many friends yet. Steven came up to me one day at the beginning of lunch and asked me if i wanted to go for lunch with him and his friends. So i went with them that day, and pretty much continued to do so until finally Steven and I started liking eachother.. Eventually we became a couple. We were together for 4 years when we decided to get married.. and now were working on year 7, Have a one year old son, and soon to be moving to Japan!!! We couldn't be happier!

Our Anniversary was on Memorial Day, monday. And thankfully that's a day that Steven got off! so we were able to spend the day together. Here are some pictures!!!


happy anniversary baby.

celebratory drinks.. =)

cheers to us!

the view from our backyard. It was so beautiful.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bath Time with Matthew!!!

This little guy LOVES to take baths... These are some pictures i took of him that i thought i would share with you! He's SO HAPPY!
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I think We're Turning Japanese!

Image and video hosting by TinyPicSo We were supposed to be in Okinawa, Japan by the 18th of May, That has now been changed to July 10, 2008! So now we have much more time to get everything done and it's not as stressful. I'm very excited and I can't wait to Sit on the beach, build sand castles with Matthew, and spend some quality family time together just the three of us!

I'll keep everyone updated on the info. - such as flight plans and departure dates. Also i'll be posting lots of pictures on here!!! SO STAY TUNED!

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